The Regional Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention

our task groups
All RASAP Task Groups meet virtually every month!
Plan and develop local conferences, workshops, training, and attendance at state and national conferences.
Plan and develop events, activities and strategies that engage families, children and/or the community.
Engagement Strategies
- Community Events (Back-to-School, festivals, forums)
- Rural Community Conversations
- Health Fairs
- Listening Sessions
- Parent Calendar
- Parent Guides
Engagement Events
- Family Day Events
- Speaker’s Bureau
- Youth Summit
- Overdose Awareness Day
- Fentanyl Awareness Day
- Alcohol Prevention Week
- Request a Presentation
Take Back events, medication lock boxes, distribution of disposal kits, and securing and promoting permanent drop box sites.
Safe Storage & Disposal
- View Drop Box Locations
- Medication Lockboxes / Pouches
- Medication Disposal Kits
- DEA Take Back Events
- Annually on 4th Saturday in April & October
Trainings & Info
Information dissemination and materials for social media, web, promotions, and educational community campaigns.
- RASAP website
- Brochure
- Newsletters
- Constant Contact
- Marketing and Branding
- New Member Orientation Binder
- Rx Reality
- Marijuana, I Don’t Wanna
- What’s in Your Vape? Campaign
- I Joined the 65%
- Arrive Alive (Prom and Graduation)
- One Pill Can Kill
- Stimulants
Youth & Young Adults
RASAP builds future community leaders and empowers young citizens to take an active role in the prevention of substance misuse.

The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is a group comprised of teens from both Pittsylvania County and Danville City. Membership in RASAP provides young adults with opportunities to gain valuable community service hours.
Meetings include topics on substance misuse prevention. Youth engage in valuable discussions and participate in activities.
Monthly meetings are held at the following locations:
- Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services
- Boys & Girls Club – Danville
- Boys & Girls Club – Pittsylvania County
The teens assist with planning and implementing campaigns in the schools. Previous campaigns have included “Marijuana, I Don’t Wanna”, “Arrive Alive”, “Join the 65%”, “Rx Reality”, and “What’s In Your Vape?”
Learn More

The Collegiate Awareness Council (CAC) is a group comprised of area college students. Meetings include topics on substance misuse prevention. Membership provides young adults with opportunities to gain valuable community service hours.
Council holds in-person monthly meetings and events at Averett University.
Learn More
Our new member orientation guide is a great place to start if you’re a new member or considering joining! The orientation guide includes information about our Board of Directors, community collaborations, task groups, campaigns, events, and community projects.
- Full membership meetings are monthly, alternating between in person and virtual
- Light lunch is provided for in person meetings
- Task groups meet monthly separate from the full membership meetings
- Each member is required to serve on a least one task group
- All meeting communication occurs through Constant Contact emails