The Regional Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention

Overdose Prevention Training


Class takes 1.5 hours to complete

Learn about what opioids are, addiction, how an opioid overdose occurs, how to identify and respond to an overdose, including the administration of Naloxone/Narcan, and how Naloxone/Narcan works to reverse an opioid overdose.

Along with their certificate of completion, participants will receive a FREE revive kit and FREE naloxone/Narcan. Returning participants can receive additional FREE doses in the future as well.


Class takes 15 minutes to complete

REVIVE! is the Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education (OONE) program from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Currently, REVIVE! provides training on how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone (Narcan).

Revive is offered by Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services in partnership with the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.

Along with their certificate of completion, participants will receive a FREE revive kit and FREE naloxone/Narcan. Returning participants can receive additional FREE doses in the future as well.

Other Trainings

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Interfacing Training

ACEs are traumatic and stressful events that pose a significant threat to a child’s development and can lead to a range of health issues throughout the course of their lifetime. Studies have found that people with an ACE score of 4 are 443% more likely to use illicit drugs and are 555% more likely to develop alcoholism than those with an ACE score of 0. 

DPCS is offering ACE Interface Training. The training will help you identify ACE and the effect it has on people’s lives, what we can all do to dramatically improve health and resilience for this and future generations. WPTRCN is another DPCS resource that provides trainings. Contact us for information on upcoming training sessions. For groups of 10 or more than ACE Interface training can be brought to your organization.

our focus areas

RASAP considers all forms of substance misuse and their unique impacts in it’s mission to prevent and reduce harm to the community.

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Collaborative Partners

RASAP is a group of concerned citizens, parents, students, teachers, law enforcement officers, business representatives’, youth serving organizations, healthcare, and other professionals who are striving to keep our community free of alcohol, tobacco, and other substance misuse.