RASAP - Steve Richardson - Drug Activity
Steve Richardson discusses investigations and interventions to counteract drug activity in the community.
RASAP - Jason Bookheimer - His Story
Jason Bookheimer discusses the effects of drug abuse on his family.
RASAP - Nathan Payne - Pharmacists Perspective
Nathan Payne discusses a pharmacist's perspective of the opioid crisis, prescription monitoring, and prescription drug overdose.
RASAP - Ricky Duncan - Opioid Addiction
Ricky Duncan discusses his experiences as a clinical social worker in working with addicted individuals, the effects of addiction on mental health, and the effects of addition on families.
RASAP - Liz Haden - Suboxone Clinic
Liz Haden talks about her experience in working with addicted patients in a clinical setting.
RASAP - Jim Mullins - RX Abuse
Jim Mullins discusses drug abuse and medical emergencies from the perspective of a first responder.
RASAP - Mike Mondul - Effects of Drug Abuse
Mike Mondul discusses the effects of drug abuse on children and teens in the community and the Alpha program.
RASAP - Lorrie Eanes-Brooks - Mental Health
Lorrie Eanes-Brooks discussed mental health challenges, suicide, and increased susceptibility to substance abuse.
RASAP - Rhonda Aherron - Parenting an Addict
Rhonda Aherron discusses her experience with being the parent of an addict.